Hillary Democrats Please Stop

I read all of these stupid comments from Hillary Democrats. DNC emails were hacked by Russians and given to Wikileaks. They expose the DNC’s lack of neutrality regarding the candidates. They were pro-Hillary and anti-Bernie from the beginning. Then there’s that that bizarre email about putting some false post in Craigslist about Trump which sounds like something out of Nixon’s dirty tricks playbook.

The fact is that the world will not end if Trump is elected. We have a Senate and a House filled with people that are familiar with dirty politics. At the first chance they get to screw him, he will be impeached. It won’t be Nazi Germany. Please quit using that tired old analogy.  People said Bush was a Nazi and then they said Obama was a Nazi. Please stop with that. Unless I see jack booted thugs sporting swastikas on the streets please stop with the fucking Nazi comparisons.

The fact is that regardless who has been President over the past 50 years, very little has changed. Honestly, what did Nixon do that was any worse than LBJ?  He got caught with Watergate and he was an asshole but I believe worse things happened under Clinton. Under Clinton’s watch Glass Stegall was revoked and we all know what that set the stage for. Under Clinton got further tied into these free trade agreements which have helped increase the disparity between rich and poor that we are now seeing. I haven’t even touched on the man’s obvious character flaws. Please keep in mind that I am no Republican FOX News watching moron. However, if the man was willing to do those things in the office, what else was he capable of?  Remember “I did not have sex with that woman”.

People need to vote their conscience. At this point, I think the only rational choice is the Green Party. I thought about Libertarian but I think that they are like the Tea Party with weed.

Hillary Democrats your main argument is that we have to vote for Hillary to stop Trump. Here is my answer Hillary Democrats. Fuck you.

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